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Tickless Eco 超聲波驅蚤/牛蜱 (焦糖)

Tickless Eco 超聲波驅蚤/牛蜱 (焦糖)

研究驗證: 當狗狗扣上裝置後,有效減少或杜絕牛蜱跳蚤依附。

● 原裝行貨,含保養6個月
● 可使用6-12個月
● 外殼使用生物可降解物料製成,減輕廢棄物負擔~想為地球出一分力嘅你,一定識揀EcoPet!


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{{amazonProductReview.avg_rating}} {{'product.product_review.stars' | translate}} | {{amazonProductReview.total_comment_count}} {{'product.product_review.reviews' | translate}}
數量 組合數量
一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



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It’s easy to use, just attach the tiny device to your pet’s collar or harness and it will keep the parasites away at least 6 months after activation, so you can enjoy nature without worry. When the device is no longer working, open it and separate the cover from the parts, then throw the cover in the compost. The coating is made of biodegradable materials, so it degrades within a few months.

Due to the latest field study, we can conclude that the device is 94% efficient against ticks without using any dangerous chemicals! If you want to achieve the most effective protection in areas which are heavily infected with ticks, then use Tickless along with your usual tick repellent product.

TICKLESS® technology underwent rigorous testing and was proven effective by a clinical study at the School of Veterinary Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Laboratory at the University of Camerino, Italy.

  • 94% efficiency against ticks without using any chemicals
  • Free of chemicals and fragrances
  • Made of environmentally friendly, biodegradable material
  • Does not cause an allergic reaction
  • Does not need to be reapplied to the animal in regular intervals
  • Safe to use in puppies and pregnant animals
  • Provides protection at least for 6 months

How it works: The device emits ultrasonic pulses that are imperceptible to humans and pets, but disturb ticks and fleas, thus keeping them away from your pet.

How to use: To start using TICKLESS bathe your pet with a non-chemical tick & flea shampoo and remove any remaining parasites. Place the device on the collar and remove the tab to activate the device. 4 red flashes will indicate that the device is on. You can verify its continued operation at any time by pressing the button and confirming that the LED flashes in response. To ensure its effectiveness, the device should remain affixed to the animal at all times. If you remove the animal’s collar at home, we recommend using our TICKLESS Home device.

Effectiveness depends on the condition of the animal’s coat, as well as the number of parasites present in the area. In areas heavily populated by ticks, 100% protection is not guaranteed. Not suitable for removing ticks or fleas from pets that have already been infected. Under average weather conditions, the device operates for at least 6 months after activation.

In case of a technical malfunction, we offer 6 months warranty for the unit.



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